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Cynthia Mum2 ^i^Myles 4ever 15
Gabriel, The impact of ur life reaches far n wide, 2 feel ur luv we look inside We miss n love u still n remember we always will
Margaret Buonpane
Remembering you today and sending my prayers, hugs!
May the wind always be at your back may the sun shine warm on your face and may god always hold your hand in the palm of his hands
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Sorry it's been awhile since I've been to visit. Never stopped thinking of you nor your Mom. Hugs to you both! xoxo
Barb/nicky's MOM to: Gabe
May God give you eyes to see beauty only the heart can understand.Love and God Bless.XXXOOO ((Lupe))
Cynthia Mum2 *i* Myles 4eva 15
Gabriel, The greatest gift u’ve given every1 is ur love and the memories that go with it. Hugs 2 ur family xxx
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Please think of us as we think of u~With hearts so full of love~We're looking up at u sweet Angel~As u look at us from above~
Cindy~B.J., Wayne & Bucks Mama
Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.
mom~Shane Ramirez
Our Angels whisper can be heard beyond the stars and beneath the seas-listen and you will hear their echos in your heart,God Bless
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
The tears we shed for you will not bring you back but may it wash the sorrow from our hearts to see that hope will return
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
When human aid is vain & past,no mortal refuge to be found,then can we firmly lean on heaven & gather strength to bear.
Judy~Mom/Angel Curtis Dawson
Loved with a love beyond telling, Missed with a grief beyond all tears.
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
"Lord show me the path of life without my child"*GABRIEL*Lupe*
Onesima Con Carino
My dear friend Lupe I'll be away for 2 week and my emails arenot working. In my heart always. until I come back hugs
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Just a tought of sweet remembrance, just a memory sad & true, just the love of sweet devotion of the one who think of you. xo
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
"He blesseth thee,He blesseth me,and we are near."*GABRIEL*Lupe*
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
A special candle for a special Angel~Sunshine fades and shadows fall~But sweet remembrance out lasts all~
Margaret Buonpane
Stopping by to wish you a good night ! Big hugs!
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Gabe
How much do I love thee,let me count the ways.That is impossible to do since I can't count that XO
Separation is a wound no one can heal rememberance is a gift no one can steal memories of you are forever locked in our hearts
Cynthia Mum2 *i* Myles 4eva 15
Gabriel, We loved u for your heart of gold, but all we wish is u in our arms to hold. Precious memories linger always GB xxx
Judy~Mom/Angel Curtis Dawson
♥ The bridge we have between Heaven & earth is called LOVE.... ♥
mom~Shane Ramirez
Wishing u a beautiful nite full of sweet dreams,catch all those hugs and kisses from ur wonderful family,for u r very much loved.
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Thinkin of U, wondering how UR doing, and hoping that U know no matter how far away U are, U are always in my HEART! xoxoxoxoxoxo
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