You are now in Heaven my son there is nothing I can do.
But ask God to honor you in His own way,
and grant my one wish come true.
To have His choir of Angels sing "Happy Birthday to you".
I love you Chango, mom

Happy Birthday in Heaven my son
I dedicate this poem to you.
"If I could......"
If I could have a wish come true,
I’d look to the Heavens above, ask God and plead to be with you,
If I could be with you and dance the whole night long,
We would be jamming together and we’d sing our favorite song.
If I could have you back for just a little while
The world would hear my laughter and see a gigantic smile.
If I could have you close and feel your pica face,
I’d hug you so tight just to feel your warm embrace.
If I could tell you in person, I miss and love you so,
I wouldn’t take for granted that you already know.
If I could scold you just one more time,
I know you’d give me that look, and say “ay ma” all is fine.
If I could catch a rainbow and give it all to you,
I’d make sure your world was always happy so you would never feel blue.
If I could take back the times I wasn’t there for you,
I’d never leave your sight I’d stick to you like glue.
If I could move the biggest mountain,
That being the impossible, but I know that I could be with you again,
If I could kiss you just one more time,
I’d wrap my arms around you as to never leave your sight.
If I could hear your voice and say, mom you look beautiful
Oh how I miss your daily calls, but most I miss you so
If I could have you scare me like you used to do,
I’d still pay you back like I always would.
If I could turn back time and place you in my arms again,
I know I’d only be dreaming, because you’re now in Heaven.
If I could…….is all I can say for now
But know my son; that I still love you and miss you more than anyone will ever know.
Written by Mom
(This poem was read for Gabe's mass on July 4, 2009 at Capillita San Cosme)
Today is my birthday,
Celebrate my life with you and remember the good times forget the bad.
Look up towards the sun and catch every ray of light upon your cheek.
For I am there with you.
Today is my birthday, be happy for me, my life was full.
I had the pleasure of love and the joy of my family.
Do not be sad, look up towards the stars and catch each twinkle in your heart.
For I am there with you.
Today is my birthday, my legacy is not wealth, or mighty belongings.
My legacy is you and your life, spend it wisely and carefully.
Guard it always, do not be sad.
Feel the wind on your face and in your hair, and know that I loved you.
For I am there with you in your laughter and in your hearts.
Today is my birthday.
Learn to live again without me.
Take my strength with you for you are not alone. Do not be sad.
Feel the rain on your face, feel all life’s treasures and know that you are alive!
At each step of the way I will help you.
For I am with you always, until we meet again.
Today is my birthday………
~Author Unknown~