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Good night Chango ~ mom
Heading to my second job now. Wish I could hug you good night. Sending you my love. I miss you mijo more than words can say. xoxo
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Gabe
And ye now therefore have sorrow but I will see you again,and your heart shall rejoice,and your joy no man taketh from you.Love Ya
Remembering you and your precious family sending hugs love and kisses to you
Waylon's mom
I'm sending you loads of love...Just smile as you go thru your day, knowing ur in my thoughts! Have a blessed day Gabriel.
Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
Humility with charity an honored way to give,a gift from your sincerity that helps another live.Love to u dear*Gabriel*(Lupe).
Thinking of you today Gabriel. Stay close to your mom and let her know your always there. She misses you so. Hugs to U.
♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty ♥♥
Roses are Red Violets are blue just want you to know We will never forget YOU . Hugs Wendy & Sarah♥♥
Gabriel DeJesus' Mommy Cont.
Please take care of your mom and family, she loves you so very much and misses you. Sending hugs and prayers always
Gabriel DeJesus' Mommy
I love seeing you precious angel and seeing that your mom put that cute monkey on your page tells me my son and you are together
I close my eyes and there you are, my only son, my Chango, by bright shining star. I miss U so much. Kiss Tio Frank 4me. I love U
Good morning my son ~ mom~
I don't know how I face ea day w/o U my son, I can't wait till the day God calls me home, we'll B together again, xoxo
Noah Morell's Mommy
I light this candle in your loving memory, safe in God's care may you forever fly free..xxoo sweet Gabe
Carol--Adam's Mom
Precious angel Gabriel, I had little trouble finding you. You are a very handsome young man. You left too soon, precious child.xox
Melissa Eiler
Thinking of you special Angel & thanking God for allowing our paths to cross. Sending my love to you & yours. HUGS!
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Your angel is never more than a heart beat away hearing ur words, feeling your love & praying peace will ease your sorrow
Helena. Mum of Angel Hannah Card.xx.
Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Angel keeping your memory alive by lighting this candle..Keeping u all in my thoughts & prayers..Sweet Dreams & God Bless.
Assia mom to wasim
Good night Gabriel, sending you goodnight kisses to heaven sweet angel. Ur mom made a beautiul graphic fo me on wasim's site x
Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
Love is in the souls that are pure.Love helps our spirits to endure through faith & adoration.Love to you dear*Gabriel*Lupe*
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Gabe
Father God we thank you for the time we had with our loved ones before You missed them and called them Home to reign with You.Love
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Gabriel have a greatday with my Dino celebrating his B-Day, dancing, smiling, playing music. G/B u ^Y^ & a big hug.((Lupe))xo
I love you, I'm sorry ~mom~
I wish I would have paid more attention to you. I miss you so much Chango. U needed me, I'm so sorry. I hope U know I love U
Waylon's mom
A wish floats on the breath of the wind, from my heart to yours, Have a beautiful day!! ~HUGS~
♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty ♥♥
I light this candle in your Memory Gabriel Holding you & your family close to my Heart Everyday Hugs Wendy & Sarah♥♥
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