Missing you more than ever Gabriel. I can't wait until we meet again. I will never let you go! I LOVE YOU!!
There's a place
I've never seen
beyond this world we know,
A place I've only heard of
but someday hope to go -
It's not on any map,
there are no roads
to take me there,
But it's a place of perfect peace
where hearts are free from care.
And though I understand
some may be saddened
when I leave,
One day, we all will meet again -
that's what I believe

When it's time to travel there,
I think I'll wear a smile,
I'll say good-bye to those I love,
but only for a while,
Knowing there are others
who have traveled there alone,
Who cannot wait to greet me
and to whisper "welcome home."
"When it seems that our sorrow is too great
to be borne, let us think of the great family
of the heavy-hearted into which our grief
has given us entrance, and inevitably, we
will feel about us their arms, their
sympathy, their understanding."

( David~Shane~Michealah~Jonathan~Micheal~Ryan~Gabe )

Gabe..Hi there, I know you can't hear me or even read this, for that matter, because your resting in peace Gabe..
But, I wanted to tell you that I met your Mother today,
and Gabe, you have an awesome Mother..
She loves you and Misses you so much, and at the same time she is trying to stand strong.
All of us Mothers know how that is..
I hope you rest in peace Gabe, and Lupe!!
Please know that you will forever be in my heart..
And one day, we will hold our babies again..
I love you both..
Love, Melissa Scatto
( Micheal, Jonathan, and Michealah's Mommy)
God took the fragrance of a flower,the majesty of a tree,the gentleness of morning dew,the calm of a quiet sea,the beauty of the twilight hour,the soul of a starry night,the laughter of a rippling brook,the grace of a bird in flight,the tender care of an angel*Gabriel*,the faith of a mustard seed,the patience of eternity,the depth of a family's need,then God fashioned from these things a creation of no other, and when His masterpiece was through,He simply called it MOTHER.

Tiny Footprints on a Mother's Heart
When a baby arrives,
be it for a day, a month, a year or more,
or perhaps only a sweet flickering moment-
the fragile spark of a tender soul
the secret swell of a new pregnancy
the goldfish flutter known to only you-
you are unmistakeningly changed...
the tiny footprints left behind on your heart
bespeak your name as Mother.