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I love you Chango ~mom~
Roses are Red, violets are blue, my heart is still broken because I'm missing you. Kiss Tio Frank 4me, Miss you Chango so much
Micheal & Twin's Scatto (Mom)
God understand our prayers even when we can't find the words to say them.Love to u & ur family.May God give you comfort.♥♥♥
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Thoughts of U R like a rose so perfect and pure. A rose may die but never will ur precious memories becz the roots are grounded!XO
Terri♥Mom 2 angel Brent Bowden
Just thinking of you precious angel & all who love & miss u so♥May their hearts be filled with wonderful memories of U.
mom, con'td
But just knowing I kissed U N my dreams was what I wanted. Mijo give all ^j^ a BIG hug & watch over their fam, I love You, xo
mom, con'td
I think of u & miss u so much. Thank U 4 coming into my dreams the other night, I loved kissing U, U said U had to go back
Hi my Chango, Miss you ~mom~
So much still going on Chango, nana has her ups n downs, she's so weak, please stay close 2 her, we all miss U so much
*Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
Our hearts are longing for you but we know that we'll have to wait with faith until our journeys end.*GABRIEL*
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
The night the angels took you to live with them above-the world we live in down below lost someone truly loved.
Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx.
Memories are special packages wrapped in silk and tied with a velvet bow.xxxxx.
mom~Shane Ramirez
Goodmorning Gabriel,have a wonderful day full of sweet sunshine,watch over ur family,give mom those special angel kisses,UR so luv
♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty ♥♥
Your life was a blessing your memory A treasure.You are loved beyond words & missed beyond measure Hugs Wendy & Sarah♥♥
Dessa Smith Joseph's mom
You are a very special ^i^ to me with loving thoughts and caring wishes sent to your family everyday
Cynthia Mum 2 ^i^Myles Caruana
Gabriel, It’s been a while angel, but I’ve missed lighting candles 4 u. With much luv 2 ur family who cherish ur memories
Laura sis 2 angels Molly &Adam
You made me laugh and you made me cry. You made me st and wonder why.
*Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
Though 2day we walk in sorrow we r nt alone.Lets put our trusting hand in His as a lil child would do.He will comfort us*GABRIEL*
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Memories Carry Us Through, As The Angels Have Carried You...Forever loved and missed! xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxox
Tammy K. ~ Thinking of you and
Your loving family today & always precious angel. Stay close & send some angel hugs. You r so loved & missed ((Lupe))
♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty ♥♥
Memory is a lovely lane, where hearts R ever true, a lane I so often travel down, because it leads 2 U Hugs Wendy and Sarah♥♥
Con't Louise-2 Angie Robert
Nana and Mom in my thoughts and prayers hoping ur Nana is doing a lot better.Lupe always thinking of u and ur dear family..{Hugs}.
Louise-2 Angie Robert
A special Angel that is what u are..Love reading ur candles u could see how much u are missed and loved by so many..Keeping ur
Assia mom to wasim
Sweet handsome sunshine u shine so bright, sending my love with from within my heart. (((Lupe))) thanku 4 the graphics sweetie xxx
Time is 2 slow 4 those who wait 2 long 4 those who grieve But, 4 those who love – Time is eternity*"
Bette Timmy Clark's mom
Sendin all my luv to my sweet angels I no I'm litin candles much but ur always in my thoughts, heart & prayers. ♥♥♥
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