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Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx.
To us u were so special, what more is there to say? the pain is still within our hearts as we think of you each day xx
Cont'd Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Wonderful Angel Families who knows and share our loss..Lupe may u have Sweet Dreams of ur Angel..Good night and God Bless
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Gabriel an Angel as sweet as u could never be forgotten..God blessed us with Angie and now he blessed us with so many wonderful
Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx.
A smile can hide the tears, a laugh can hide the pain, but nothing stops the longing to have you back again xx
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
No person is ever truly alone. Those who live no more, Whom we loved, Echo still within our thoughts, Our words, our hearts.
mom~Shane Ramirez...cont...
Thank you so much 4 the beautiful flowers graphic,I loved it and made me feel very special,UR mom is a sweetheart Gabe just like u
mom~Shane Ramirez
Gabe Sweetie,even though we r miles apart u will 4ever be in my heart,along with ur mom who has become a very special friend to me
Edwina~Troy's mum
We say your name with pride, and remember you with love, some day we'll be together, in that place called Heaven above.
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Gabe
I light this candle to memorialize you.And to say hello and God Bless to your family and mama too.(((Hugs))) sweet Lupe
Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx.
For some things there are no words, only shoulders to lean on, hands to hold and hugs to comfort.xxxxx.
Good nite my Chango ~mom~
Finally have some time 2 visit ur site Chango. U R so missed beyond words. Nana is gettin better, Stay close 2 her, I love YOU xo
Margaret Buonpane
You are Loved with a love beyond telling, Missed with a grief beyond all tears.
Teri Drebit (Jaime's Mom)
Thinking of you precious Gabriel & your dear Family. Wrap your angel wings around Mom...let her know you are by her side. xoxo
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Thank you for loving and sharing, For giving and for caring. God bless you and keep you..Hugs & Kisses!
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
As his spirit soars in flight & with the flicker of this flame, I say a prayer in Gabriel's name.
Mom of David Giraud
Beyond the far horizon when we'll finally B 2gether, where luv will B eternal & life will last 4ever~you'll B there*
mom~Shane Ramirez
Gabe,We miss our precious Angels so much,but some day soon we will be with our Angels again,This is what gives us our strength.oxo
Bette - Timmy Clark's mom
Sending lots of luv ur way & many kisses too! Watch over ur family from above keep them close let them feel ur love ♥♥♥
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Gabe
Missing U thru out the days,counting the very many ways,I love U in my heart & soul,I'll never again be completely whole.
Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx.
If tears could build a staircase and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.
Patty~Mom To Nicholas Zanfini
Hi Angel, Wishing you a good night w/all ur Angel friends. Love to you Gabe..xoxox Hugs to Mom.xoxox
Con't Grandma 2 Angie Robert
So sweet of u..Also it was a sad day for all of us but so happy to know Angie is loved by all the precious Angels..God Bless
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Gabriel T.Y.for being with Angie on her Angel day..Lupe T.Y.for always thinking of Angie and with beautiful graphics for her..
vince heuerman
Precious Gabriel, stay close to your grandma and all of your family.
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